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See how stocks performed under presidents since 1900. Who led during the best years?
We found people still seem leery of stocks and prefer to put their money in property.
A Bankrate survey finds young adults are largely staying out of the stock market.
A few people have giant IRAs worth millions. Should the government intervene?
Investing tastes are changing. Americans’ top choice has shifted in a surprising way.
Pretending you’re on "Shark Tank" by investing in a new biz is great, but know the risks.
With all of the talk about IRA conversions, where does a rollover IRA fit into the picture?
Next year, buying inflation protection in the form of a bond will be as easy as checking a box.
When a company cuts its dividend, you need to find out why before yelling, "Sell!"
Our national poll reveals both good and bad news. See how your savings compare.