Can annuity income inherited from late brother be used for a Roth IRA contribution?
The IRS limits the types of income that can be used for a Roth IRA. Here are the rules.
The IRS limits the types of income that can be used for a Roth IRA. Here are the rules.
You might not be running for president in your lifetime, but chances are, your body language will affect you at some point when you’re gunning for a job you really want.
After converting your home to a rental property, your taxes became more complicated.
College students in particular–who often times hold down part-time jobs with irregular hours at places like retail stores, restaurants and bars—would benefit from more predictable work schedules.
Here’s where you can find jaw-dropping deals on designer clothes.
The garage construction doesn’t qualify for the energy tax credit, but these things do.
You can’t avoid tax on the rental property sale, but other tax benefits may even things out.
If your dad is a U.S. citizen or resident, he must file the FBAR soon.
You have a choice on how to settle a tax bill on rent money. Here’s how it works.
You can’t escape tax entirely, but you can avoid the 10% IRA withdrawal penalty.
You can’t write off your Mom’s income, but you may be able to claim her as a dependent.
You can carry over losses on certain capital assets forever, but it’s not simple.
The loan features include fixed-rate installments, with payments that are structured like a fixed-rate mortgage. Like personal loans, small business loans through the company require no specific colla [...]
You can only deduct real estate losses to offset gains, but there are a couple of exceptions.
You’ll need a financial plan in place, otherwise debt consolidation may be bad for your credit score in the long run. Here’s what you need to know.
You’ll have to pay capital gains on the sale of your rental property. Here’s why.
Your gain will be based on 2 purchase prices. Here’s how to do the math.
You can each receive up to $100,000, but be sure to follow all the reporting rules.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau says credit report complaints to the agency increased 56% between June and July.
If you have a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, then you are treated as the plan participant.