Capital gains on home sale due to job change
If you have to sell within two years, you may still qualify for a reduced exclusion.
If you have to sell within two years, you may still qualify for a reduced exclusion.
The payment will affect your property’s basis, so the first step is to calculate its basis.
You can deduct mortgage interest on two homes. But if you rent the third, you have an option.
There’s a way to use severance money to fund a 401(k) at your startup business.
While you can’t deduct your grandkids’ college costs, you can get a different tax break.
You don’t have to file an estate return since the estate is under the $5.25 million threshold.
You will owe tax on your prize money, but you can deduct your donation if you itemize.
You would have gotten a bigger tax break if your aunt had left her property to you in a trust.
It’s possible you could use passive losses from real estate to offset a Roth conversion.
You can claim unallowed losses when you sell your property. Here’s what you need to know.
You can’t write off the down payment, but you can do something else to lower your tax bill.
The U.S. economy has improved, but the ghost of the Great Recession still haunts Americans.
Dental expenses you paid for someone else may be tax-deductible under these circumstances.
The costs incurred in building a home aren’t deductible, but keep track of them for the future.
Amended returns yielded $9,000 in tax refunds on which IRS paid interest. What should we do?
Lord knows that if you give your house, you’ll receive a greater reward: lower taxes.
IRA fees are tax-deductible if you use outside assets to pay them.
It used to be easy to transfer assets to your grandkids and shift the tax burden to them, too.
You can reimburse your employee for the insurance premiums he pays to his old job.
You’ll have to prove your investment intention to the IRS. Here’s what you need to know.