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Education Loan Finance Student Loans: 2024 Review

Updated on Jan. 1, 2024

At a glance

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Rating: 4.4 stars out of 5
Bankrate Score
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Repayment Options
Rating: 4.6 stars out of 5
Rating: 4.4 stars out of 5
Customer Experience
Rating: 4.1 stars out of 5

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Lender Details

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Loan amount

$1,000 to total cost of attendance

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APR from

5.00% Variable; 3.69% Fixed

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Term lengths

5 to 20 years

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Min Credit Score



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    Few fees: You won’t be charged any application or origination fees with ELFI.

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    Good customer service: ELFI assigns each applicant a personal student loan advisor.

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    No co-signer needed: Many student loan lenders require undergraduates to use a co-signer, but ELFI allows applications without one if you meet the credit requirements on your own.


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    Strict eligibility requirements: In order to qualify for a student loan with ELFI, you or your co-signer must have a minimum credit score of 680 and a credit history of at least 36 months. You must also have a minimum yearly income of $35,000.

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    No co-signer release: Unlike many private lenders, ELFI doesn’t let co-signers be released from the loan unless the borrower refinances the loan.

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    Limited schools: You are eligible for an ELFI private student loan only if you attend one of the eligible schools that are listed on the lender’s website. School requirements for refinance loans are less restrictive.

Loan product Variable rate Fixed rate
Undergraduate student loans 5.00%-13.97% APR 3.69%-14.22% APR
Graduate student loans 5.00%-13.97% APR 3.69%-14.22% APR
Health care student loans 5.00%-13.97% APR 3.69%-14.22% APR
Tennessee Lending Program for Teachers and Nurses N/A Undergraduates: From 3.00% Graduates: From 4.00%
Law school student loans 5.00%-13.97% APR 3.69%-14.22% APR
MBA student loans 5.00%-13.97% APR 3.69%-14.22% APR
Parent Loans 5.00%-13.97% APR 3.69%-14.22% APR
Student loan refinancing 4.86%-8.24% APR 4.88%-8.44% APR
Parent loan refinancing 4.86%-7.86% APR 4.88%-8.09% APR
Rating: 4.4 stars out of 5
Bankrate Score
APR from
5.00% Variable; 3.69% Fixed
Loan Amount
$1,000 to total cost of attendance
Min Credit Score
Rating: 3.9 stars out of 5
Bankrate Score
APR from
7.130% Variable; 6.000% Fixed
Loan Amount
$1,000 to $225,000
Min Credit Score
Not disclosed
Rating: 4.8 stars out of 5
Bankrate Score
APR from
4.64% Variable APR; 3.54% Fixed
Loan Amount
$1,000* to total cost of attendance (some states require a $5,000 minimum to borrow).
Min Credit Score
Overall Score 4.4
Repayment Options 4.6 In general, ELFI has a good range of rates and terms, although refinancing borrowers have a high minimum loan amount and private loan borrowers have fewer repayment terms than with other lenders.
Affordability 4.4 ELFI loans come with a few fees, and grace periods are relatively short. However, the lender’s minimum APRs are competitive for creditworthy borrowers.
Customer Experience 4.1 Borrowers can access ELFI’s customer service department seven days a week, though it doesn’t have any kind of mobile app.
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