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EDvestinU Student Loans: 2023 Review

Updated on November 17, 2023

At a glance

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Rating: 3.9 stars out of 5
Bankrate Score
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Repayment Options
Rating: 3.4 stars out of 5
Rating: 4.3 stars out of 5
Customer Experience
Rating: 4.1 stars out of 5

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Lender Details

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Loan amount

$2,001 to $225,000

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APR from

7.130% Variable; 6.000% Fixed

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Term lengths

7 to 20 years

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  • International students may qualify: International students with a qualified co-signer are eligible to receive a student loan from EDvestinU.
  • Discounts for students in New Hampshire: If you live or attend school in New Hampshire, you could qualify for a rate reduction of up to 1.5 percent on fixed rate loans and 0.75 percent on variable rate loans.
  • Community mission: In addition to student loans, EDvestinU offers three scholarships each quarter, and proceeds from its loans support college access activities in New Hampshire public high schools.
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  • Strict requirements for co-signer release: In order to release a co-signer, borrowers must have a FICO Score of 749 or higher, an annual income of at least $30,000, no bankruptcy filings on record for the last 10 years and a history of consecutive, on-time payments for 24 months on the current loan.
  • Limited loan amounts: The minimum amount you may refinance with EDvestinU is $7,500, which could be restrictive if you don’t have much left to repay. The aggregate limit on all of EDvestinU’s loans is also $225,000, less than what many other lenders allow.
Loan product Variable rate Fixed rate
Undergraduate student loans 7.13 to 10.19 APR 6.00 to 9.51 APR
Graduate student loans 7.13 to 10.19 APR 6.00 to 9.51 APR
International student loans 7.13 to 10.19 APR 6.00 to 9.51 APR
Student loan refinancing 7.05 to 8.80 APR 6.00 to 9.74 APR
Rating: 3.9 stars out of 5
Bankrate Score
APR from
7.130% Variable; 6.000% Fixed
Loan Amount
$2,001 to $225,000
Min Credit Score
Not disclosed
Rating: 4.6 stars out of 5
Bankrate Score
APR from
3.49% fixed; 4.54% variable
Loan Amount
$1,000-total cost of attendance
Min Credit Score
Not disclosed
Rating: 4.8 stars out of 5
Bankrate Score
APR from
4.64% Variable APR; 3.54% Fixed
Loan Amount
$1,000* to total cost of attendance (some states require a $5,000 minimum to borrow).
Min Credit Score
Overall Score 3.9
Repayment Options 3.4 EDvestinU has decent repayment options, but its loan amounts could be limiting for some borrowers.
Affordability 4.3 While EDvestinU does charge a late fee, its maximum APRs are fairly low.
Customer Experience 4.1 EDvestinU’s smaller range of customer service hours could pose issues for borrowers who need help in the evenings or on weekends.
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