Rewards Credit Card Advice
Check out the latest rewards credit card news and advice from our team at Bankrate.
We can help you find the right credit card to earn cash back and maximize your points and miles.
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The Latest Advice for Credit Card Rewards
Wells Fargo cardholders can earn cash rewards and accrue Wells Fargo Rewards.
In many cases, you can recover stolen rewards. Here’s how.
No matter the season, a rewards card can help lighten the load of your spending.
Want to reap the rewards this card offers without paying the annual fee? Find out how to avoid the cost.
The best way to maximize rewards is by playing the field, using different cards to your advantage and being “disloyal!”
Even if you can use your credit card for online gambling, it probably isn’t a good idea.
Credit card issuers are able to offer rewards because of the fees they collect.
Many issuers offer gift cards in for rewards — but are the redemptions worthwhile?