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Tally review: An app that helps you pay off credit card debt
Tally consolidates your credit cards into one low-interest line of credit so that you only have to make a single payment.
5 min read Dec 14, 2021 -
Worst credit advice from friends and family
Credit advice from friends and family is often well-intentioned, but we’ve gathered our top ten worst pieces of advice that can hurt your credit and credit score. Find out what to avoid, and what to [...]
6 min read Jul 05, 2021 -
How alternative data is improving credit access
Alternative data can open the door and give you the access to credit that lasts, but how you handle your credit from there is up to you.
3 min read May 17, 2021 -
10 U.S. cities with the highest credit scores
The average American has a 711 credit score, but some cities are home to major overachievers. These high scorers are likely to qualify for the best credit cards on the market due to their exceptional [...]
3 min read Mar 18, 2021 -
7 ways you can hurt your credit score
You could be damaging your credit without realizing it. Watch for these missteps.
5 min read Feb 25, 2021 -
How can shopping loan rates affect your credit?
Taking on a new loan can impact your credit both during the application process and after approval. Here’s what you need to know.
4 min read Feb 18, 2021 -
How credit mix affects your credit score
When it comes to credit scores, payment history and credit utilization seem to grab the headlines. This is somewhat understandable, since the combination makes up the lion’s share of your FICO score [...]
4 min read Feb 04, 2021 -
Why are there different types of credit scores?
Both FICO and VantageScore offer different types of credit scores depending on what information lenders are requesting and which credit score model is being used.
5 min read Jan 22, 2021 -
How to get a free credit score
Many credit card issuers offer their customers free credit scores, and some even provide them to non-customers.
3 min read Dec 10, 2020 -
VantageScore vs. FICO: What’s the difference?
VantageScore and FICO credit scores have some similarities, but they’re not identical. Here’s what you need to know
3 min read Nov 19, 2020