Bad Credit Loans
While your credit score will keep you from getting a great APR, you can still find interest rates that are much lower than those you’d likely find on payday loans.
Denny Ceizyk joined the Bankrate Loans team as a Senior Writer in 2023, providing 30 years of insight from his experience in loan sales and as a personal finance writer to help consumers navigate the lending landscape on their financial journeys. Denny’s background in mortgage lending gives him unique insight into how consumer’s financial decisions — especially related to how they manage credit — affect their successes throughout their financial lifetimes.
Denny’s transition into personal finance writing started when he joined forces with a government housing agency during the housing meltdown to educate consumers about how to avoid foreclosure. He began to expand that writing into the personal finance space on a freelance basis and has since been featured in the New York Post, MarketWatch,, Cheddar and regional radio stations as he continues to advocate for and help educate consumers to make lending decisions that will help them achieve their financial goals.
When he’s not working, he’s spending time with his family where he might be out by the barn walking his dogs, Elvis and Emmy. If you’re in Nashville, you might catch him playing in a songwriting round, and might even hear one of his songs in an upcoming Hallmark movie.
Every loan decision you make can have a ripple effect on your future financial condition. I saw that firsthand when I processed mortgage loans early in my mortgage career. One wrong decision often meant the difference between approval and denial. Throughout my career, I found the “wrong” financial decision is usually more of an “I didn’t know” decision, and my goal is to provide consumers with the depth of knowledge they need to make informed borrowing choices.
While your credit score will keep you from getting a great APR, you can still find interest rates that are much lower than those you’d likely find on payday loans.
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Personal loans are a quick source of cash, but be careful how you use them.
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