The best coupon apps and how to use them
Coupon apps offer easy ways to save money and earn cash back on everyday purchases.
Brittany Wren is a personal finance writer and editor specializing in saving money, personal loans, credit, retirement planning, and side hustles. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Walla Walla University and Digital Marketing and Content Marketing certifications from HubSpot Academy. Her goal is to demystify financial topics and help people gain the confidence they need to manage their money better. In her free time, she writes feature stories for local nonprofits and, occasionally, poetry.
Coupon apps offer easy ways to save money and earn cash back on everyday purchases.
Digital tools help families manage allowances while teaching kids essential money skills.
Reward apps sometimes have sign-on bonuses that can help you earn more money.
Payday loan apps may not be the solution to getting cash quickly in a pinch.
This investment strategy could lead to big gains, but also comes with a great deal of risk.
Several apps give you cash-back rewards when you buy gas or make purchases at convenience stores. You can use more than one or find the best fit.
Cash-back apps can help you earn rewards if you know how they work.