Personal Finance
Use Bankrate's advice and tools to help make all of your personal finance decisions.
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Credit score vs. credit report: What’s what?
They sound similar, but they’re not. Here’s what you need to know.
4 min read Nov 21, 2014 -
Data you may lose when switching phones
Switching smartphone platforms? Take care not to lose pictures and other data.
4 min read Nov 20, 2014 -
5 areas where you can cut expenses today
High prices and a sluggish economy are squeezing families. Here are five fast cost-cutters.
7 min read Nov 18, 2014 -
Dad co-signs car loan and it haunts him
A lender goes after Dad to pay off his daughter’s 12-year-old auto loan. What’s a dad to do?
2 min read Nov 12, 2014 -
Should you give your kid a smartphone?
Deciding when a child is ready for a smartphone can be tricky. Here are some tips.
4 min read Oct 09, 2014 -
When does credit card debt fall off report?
It’ll take a while for unpaid collections accounts to stop affecting your credit score.
2 min read Sep 17, 2014 -
Is wearable technology worth buying yet?
‘Wearables’ may be the wave of the future, but are they worth paying for in the present?
4 min read Sep 04, 2014 -
Heavy-duty phone cases worth the cost?
You can pay over $100 for an "indestructible" phone case, but is that money well spent?
4 min read Sep 02, 2014 -
Should you buy a smart toilet seat?
These smart toilets not only hygienically wash and dry your bottom; they entertain you.
3 min read Jul 30, 2014 -
Legal options for struggling co-signers
You already co-signed on a student loan. What’s the recourse if you have to make payments?
2 min read Jul 05, 2014