Current credit card interest rates
View current credit card rates based on Bankrate.com’s weekly national survey of large banks and thrifts.
Read the latest credit card surveys and industry data studies from the team at Bankrate.
View current credit card rates based on Bankrate.com’s weekly national survey of large banks and thrifts.
Nearly half of credit cardholders carry debt — and many have been in that debt for years.
48 percent of cardholders are in debt, down slightly from earlier this year.
A new Bankrate survey shows Americans with a rewards credit card prefer cash back.
Most interest rates are high right now, but retail cards boast extra high rates.
Find out how age, income level, gender and race tend to influence the number of credit cards one holds.
Here’s what first-time cardholders should know about credit cards.
33 percent of parents who plan to pay for summer childcare will accumulate debt.
A massive increase in the number of Hispanic applicants seeking financial disaster assistance has prompted JPMorgan Chase and Money Management International (MMI) to team up to address the situation. The [...]
A majority of homeowners have already completed at least $500 worth of home upgrades.
Did you take a financial hit when a concert, game or trip got crossed off your calendar due to the pandemic? If you lost money on a coronavirus cancellation, a new poll shows you’re one of many. Due [...]
It has been about five months since the COVID-19 pandemic ramped up in the U.S. So far, there have been three credit card developments that have really surprised me. Keeping up with the bills Back in March, [...]
13% of cardholders say they’ve worried their credit score would go down since the outbreak began.
48% of U.S. adults report losing sleep about a money issue, down from 56% last year.
Over six in 10 Americans have canceled plans in the wake of the pandemic.
No matter what your worth is on paper, pay off your credit card debt as soon as possible.
Saving payment info online is convenient, but many Americans still worry about safety.
Many Americans have misconceptions about how to handle a credit card they aren’t using anymore.