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Student Loans

Get tips and advice on student loans and colleges and compare private student loan lenders.

Fixed APR from

4.07- 15.48%

Loan amount

$1k- No Max

Fixed APR from

4.09- 15.66%

Loan amount

$2k- No Max

Fixed APR from

4.43- 14.04%

Loan amount

$1k- $100K

Fixed APR from

4.50- 15.49%

Loan amount

$1k- No Max

Fixed APR from

4.56- 8.34%

Loan amount

$1k- No Max

Fixed APR from

5.35- 7.95%

Loan amount

$2k- No Max

Fixed APR from

5.99- 14.00%

Loan amount

$1k- $350K

Fixed APR from

8.42- 13.01%

Loan amount

$1k- No Max

Lender conversion and compensation impacts how, where and in what order products appear in the above table

Secure a great loan in 3 easy steps


Answer a few questions

Provide basic details about yourself and what you're looking for in a student loan to get matched with customized rates in two minutes or less.

Compare your offers

Shop with top student loan lenders and choose the APR, repayment term and loan amount that best fit your budget.

Lock in your rate

Finalize your loan details with the lender of your choosing and lock in your rate and terms. Once you’re approved, your lender will reach out with details about how your loan will be disbursed.

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Wall Street Journal
USA Today
The New York Times